1. Resistance Bands:
Such exercise tools are portable, cheap and lightweight making them ideal for carrying out flexibility exercises. They vary in intensity from light to heavy and give you an opportunity to add some resistance to your exercises as your flexibility increases.
How to use resistance bands for flexibility training:
– Tie the band at the lower end as well and so, attach it to a secure structure like a door or a pole through snapping it around the structure.
Take a position with your feet fitting width apart and grasp a singly end with each of your hands.
Lunge through the band by dropping the knees, then pulling the hips back returning to the lunge position.
- Pull the band towards you using your opposite hand standing close to it and leave other hand gripping the anchored end tightly.
Now ever so gently draw your arm slowly across your body and become aware of the stretch in your shoulders and chest muscles.
The stretch should be held for 15- 30 seconds before repeating the entire exercise with the opposite arm.
Benefits of using resistance bands for flexibility training:
Another most important option is that resistance bands offer full-range resistance, which means that you can increase the stretch intensity as needed.
By performing them with the requisite frequency, they help to develop endurance, and they can also be applied to isolate particular muscles and utilize them in treating some knots or tensions.
Resistance bands come in handy and can either be used for dynamic or the static stretching exercise.
Some of these pieces of equipment can be moved from one place to another meaning you can exercise from the comfort of your home or anywhere.
2. Foam Rollers:
Cylindrical foam rollers have been in great demand in recent years, as they combined pursuing pleasure own-myofascial release and flexibility. There are the small, portable versions, and there are full-size, much longer rollers as well.
How to use foam rollers for flexibility training:
Lay down on the foam roller, place your legs straight, and your hands at the back for body alignment.
Roll forward, use the hands to support the body as far as necessary and roll back over the back muscle’s length.
For that, you place your legs in naturally stretched position on the foam roller and use your hands to apply pressure on them if you want to have an impact on quads or hamstrings respectively.
This should be done by holding each stretch for fifteen to thirty seconds and repeating it as necessary.
Benefits of using foam rollers for flexibility training:
There are foam rollers that are used in stretching in a way that would enable the targeted muscle to be stretched to the extent that it is able to loosen tight muscles.
They are self-massage tools, also known as massage tools for muscle soreness recovery.
The foam rollers available in the market differ in size and firmness to suit different individuals and their needs.
They are inexpensive and very accessible in the market making them the perfect complements to all home gym exercising.
3. The Yoga Strap:
The yoga belt also commonly referred to as a strap is a very useful tool when it comes to increasing flexibility. It is a long, fabric looped strap with handles on both ends, to facilitate holding.
How to use a yoga strap for flexibility training:
– Sit on your back with your legs stretched on the floor and put the yoga strap by the base of the foot.
Using your hands grab the two ends of the strap, with your legs fully extended bring your heels towards your chest creating a stretch on the hamstrings and the lower back muscles.
To work on specific muscles around hip flexors, first get into kneeling position while bending your right knee and wrap the strap around your right ankle. Tilt your upper body slightly backwards and draw the strap towards your buttocks until you feel a stretch across the front of your right hip. Each exercise should take you 15-30 seconds, after that switch sides.
Benefits of using a yoga strap for flexibility training:
Yoga strap – allows the practitioner to get deeper into a stretch when there is rigidity in the muscles that may require the practitioner to use another body part to make the reach.
They are helpful during strenuous poses by giving the extra push that enable you ease into the pose without inflicting more stretch on your muscles.
As with most stretching tools and equipment, yoga straps can be used for both static and the dynamic stretches.
Because they are small, compact, and not very costly, they are useful in every flexibility training program.
4. The Stretching Bench:
Stretching bench is an equipment that is actually designed to assist you in getting the right stretch and in the safest way. It usually comes with a backrest, tilting facilities and soft foams so as to provide optimal support.
How to use a stretching bench for flexibility training:
–Place stretching bench on a flat surface and feel comfortable while sitting, the hips and knees joints should be at 900.
– Make sure your feet will not move around on the footrests because you will use them as your anchor when stretching.
– If you want your chest and shoulders to become prolong, use your arms to pull down the straps reach up. Hold for 15-30 seconds.
To work your lower back, stand bending down having the handles grasped in both your hands. Hold for 15-30 seconds.
Benefits of using a stretching bench for flexibility training:
Stretching benches are comfortable during stretches, they help one to have balance during stretches, hence helping one to stretch to their maximum capacity without having to worry about tripping or falling.
They can be built in different sizes and different settings of angles so one can just have perfect workouts targeting the desired muscles and achieve the perfect stretch.
That is why the stretching benches installed in them assist in viewing your form and alignment as you do the stretching exercises in order to cut down on the risks of accidents and enhance efficiency.
They are easy to obtain and can be recommended for novices, as well as for professionals with many years of experience.
Q: The next question arising will be ; how often should flexibility training be done?
A: Flexibility training it is advisable to be done 2 to 3 times a week. Another important aspect that should be considered is across-the-board application of measures taken, which is necessary for achieving, as well as for maintaining, the progress in flexibility enhancing.
Q: I want to know the differing factors of this flexibility and strength program, in addition to how long I should hold each stretch?
A: You ideally want to get two to five repetitions on each stretch with each stretch holding the position for 15-30 seconds or slightly longer, if you are able to continue to stretching the muscle without causing any discomfort. The amount of time that you spend on stretching should also be increased as the flexibility increases.
Q: Can one reduce the possibility of getting an injury by practicing flexibility training?
A: Of course, adding some flexibility training to your fitness regimen can go along way towards reducing your chance of developing an injury due to stiffness, constriction of the blood vessels and tension in the muscles that will limit their range of movement. Consequently, improvements can be attained in athletic movement and the overall efficiency of actions executed by the body.
Q: What are the general limitations to flexibility training?
A: This type of training is somewhat safe for most individuals, nonetheless, it is always wise to seek medical advice before engaging in any new form of exercise especially those with an injury, health condition or otherwise.
Integrating the gym equipment for flexibility training into your training regime will greatly stimulate your movements capability, minimize the possibility of an injury and improve on performance. Most people are aware that there are many equipment developed to aid stretch exercises and the equipment range from resistance bands, foam rollers, Yoga straps, stretching benches among others. When these tools are combined with maintaining a regular, specific stretching schedule you can revel in the numerous benefits of flexibility and build more muscle mass and flexibility as you get older.