Simple dailly stretches to improve flexibility

 Stretching Exercises That You Can Try Everyday

Everybody understands that stretching is good for our muscles and joints, and helps to avoid such an ailment as a stretch. However, with the busy schedules, people can hardly spare time in a given day and dedicate it to stretching alone. So the good news is it just takes about 10 minutes to get through a good stretch that will help prevent you from getting injured and keep you flexible. Here are some key tips and simple stretches that can be easily worked into your regular daily activities:


Stretches: when stretching, if you don’t have to bounce to get into the stretch gently pull yourself into the stretch. Gradually move forward into the stretch until you get that comfortable pull, a sharp pull, but not pain.

You should take about 20 to 30 seconds, this is lengthy for a stretch and you should relax the muscle before moving on to the next one. It is recommended that ever stretch should be repeated 2-4 times. The more exercises you perform then the more flexible you will be.

Loosen your muscles and all your joints every morning before you’re fully awake, and as often as you can through the day. The more, the better, but to only a certain limit.

– Try getting both areas of the upper body and the lower body stretched, dwell on this. Pay even greater attention to the regions that you have difficulty reaching using fingertips.

Just always remind yourself that its not a competition and always take deep breaths when stretching out, don’t tense up.

If a stretch hurts, then a person should stop or find a firm that is less painful or slightly different. Try and pull your muscles until you feel a pull.

Wrist & Forearm Stretch:

Well to do this, all you have to do is take your arm, and stretch it out in the front of you with your palm facing up. With your other hand, take hold of your fingers and your hand, now, and draw them closer to your body to ensure that the stretch is felt in your wrists and in your forearm. Stay like this for about 20-30 seconds and then release. Repeat on the other arm. Perfect for anyone who works on a computer or who utilize their wrist & forearm muscles in some way.

Overhead Shoulder Reach:

Join your hands together and stretch your arm upwards pointing towards the ceiling. Bend gently from left and right across your body and then just let your shoulders rotate to give a nice stretch on one side at a time. Take each pose on both sides for approximately between 20-30 seconds and release.

Chin to Chest Stretch: 

Gradually bend your head down to your chest while moving it in a vertical plane as if descending downwards until you feel a tension in the nape of your neck and your upper back.. 

You can use your hand to hold the back of your neck for those who want to extend the range of motion. Ideal for first thing in the morning, other than that, perfect anytime your neck is sore or tense.

Side Neck Stretch:

Take the head and tilt it in a lateral way towards the left or right, when stretched on one lateral side of the neck. Wait for 20-30 seconds and then turn the head to the opposite direction and pull likewise. Do not tilt or turn your neck back or extend your head forward.

Seated Hamstring Stretch:

Stand with your back to the chair and place your right foot behind and beside your left foot, and imagine the INSL, that is Bent_back_left your leg straight out in front of you with the sole of your foot towards you.

 You’ll feel this down the back of your thigh. Bend the knee of your other leg so that you will be able to comfortably stablize yourself. Breathe for 20-30 second and then swap the legs.

Low Back Stretch / Seated Twist:

Sit on the chair, then grasp your left knee and flatten your left foot on the opposite side of the chair on top of your right knee. Turn your torso to the left, your left hand being placed behind your back, and your right hand placed on your knee. You should feel a stretch in your lower and middle back . Squash for 20-30 sec on one side and then flip it over and squash on the other side also.

Calf Stretch:

Ever stand with your feet shoulder-width apart? That’s your starting place; now put both your hands on the wall. In the first position, withdraw one foot about 3feet from your body, bend the knee and keep the heel on the ground. Most importantly your back foot must fall perpendicular to the ground while your front toes should be aligned in the same direction as the line of vision. 

Keeping your back kyle stiff, glide your upper body forward and down until you exercise pressure on the back calf. Expert will ensure that the knee of the subject does not flex. Keep the leg on the float for 20-30 seconds and then flip it over and do the same to the other leg.

Wall Chest Stretch:

Another good chest opener – Start by standing sideways from a wall about two feet away from the wall. Stand with your arms extended towards the wall and hold the wall with both of your hands at shoulder level and slowly try to touch the wall with your chest until feeling the stretch in chest, shoulder and the arm. Do not curve your lower back, it should be slightly straight. Hold for 20-30 seconds.

These are basic stretches you can try in your workplace or at home: while waiting for answered phone calls, during the break time watching TV or a tennis match, after a long car drive, in the morning before getting out of bed or before going to bed. 

Being more flexible will reduce the possibility of straining your muscles and juts and muscles in your body. Not only is stretching good for you today, but it also helps keep movement a reality in the coming years.


Q: How often should I stretch?

A: It is recommended to apply it at least 2-3 times per day, which is especially important for areas that feel tight. Just 1-2 in a stretch a few times a day can go a long way in this regard of the amount of time spent.

Q: So, when is it effective to stretch – before or after the exercising session?  

A: It is good to perform dynamic stretching before the exercises, whereas more vigorous stretching can and should be done after the exercising routine while the muscles are warm. A few stretch exercises immediately after you are through with your exercising sessions is desirable.

Q: Is it advisable to stretch at night or right from the time I wake up in the morning?

A: Your muscles are most rigid in the morning when they have been untensed for several hours, some stretching you can actually do in the morning are good. What one needs is some stretching just before going to bed to allow the muscles to relax but do not compromise the flexibility. Honestly, either is fine, just pick the one that is best with your timetable if need be.

Q: Will stretching too much be harmfull?

A: When done properly, no. However, if any stretch is uncomfortable or painful – sharp or intense – then do not continue. It is only important that one stretches to the limit of the body without overstretching in a bid to get more range for motion for the purposes of avoiding injury. Frequency should increase gradually in terms of day and week.

Q: What do I do when a certain muscle group just does not get in to the elongation and any form of enhancement?  

A: Maintain your (non-painful) stretch longer as long as one minute should suffice. Intentionally attempt and let your muscles get into the stretch while at the same time, focusing on your own breath. Grow impatient and keep refining challenging, small regions until the skin tightens. One can suggest using a foam roller, or some massage therapy to help the muscles to be relaxed.


If muscles and their related joints fail to be stretched, flexibility usually diminishes as people age or go through normal development changes. Flexibility stretching in our daily routines means our joints appear and feel more flexible, reversing the process of stiffening as we age. Stretching enhances blood circulation and overall health in the body also. Take 10 minutes out of your day for some full body stretching and you’ll have no problem keeping up your flexibility or preventing injuries besides helping you feel better. It is not necessary to follow a special timetable of stretches, so set a schedule which can, in fact, be followed. Wait long enough and the flexibility advantages will materialize.

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